Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Where Do Empty Registry Keys Come From

Where Do Empty Registry Keys Come From?:
Before we talk about where they come from we should first discuss what they are. An empty registry key is a registry that has no values in it.  Usually they are left over placeholders that were left behind when you uninstalled an application, device driver, etc. They can also be left behind when a registry cleaner removes malicious code but didn’t delete the actual key. Empty registry keys are also called registry “holes”.

Are Empty Registry Keys Harmful to my Computer?

They do not usually cause any harm to your operating system but the can make the registry grow very large because there may be obsolete data, invalid shared DLLs, incorrect file associations as well as a significant amount of redundant data. All of this causes the registry to grow very large. All the extra junk can eventually corrupt the registry.

How to Delete Empty Registry Keys

There are two ways to delete empty registry keys. One is to manually delete them using regedit. The second method is to use a good registry cleaner that specifically states that it removes empty registry keys.

Manual Deletion

if you are an experienced IT support person, this method is free and may even be easier and faster than purchasing a registry cleaning application. But if you are an average user, deleting things in the registry can be very dangerous and result in your operating system having to be reinstalled.

Registry Cleaners

There are several good registry cleaners available, some free but most are commercial programs. While a few of the free programs work fairly well, to get the best cleaning of your registry you will most likely need to use a paid program.
Before you do the registry, you should run a complete anti-virus and malware check to eliminate any potential problems.
Next, defrag your hard drive using the windows defrag utility by going to the Control Panel, then selecting administrative tools, computer management, defragmenter. Highlight your hard drive and click on the Defragment button.
You are now ready to scan your registry. This is how the typical commercial registry cleaner works.
  1. You go to the website and download the program to your hard drive
  2. Install the program and do a free scan of your computer. It will tell you what is wrong but you cannot fix anything unless you purchase the program
  3. Pay for the program.
  4. If the program asks you if you want to backup your registry, say “yes” and make a backup
  5. Then follow the direction to fix all the errors.


Anti-virus checks, malware scans, defragging the hard drive, and cleaning the registry are all part of the routine maintenance you should be doing for your computer. It’s really like doing a tune up and changing the oil in your car.
You should do this maintenance at least once a month to keep your system running in top shape.

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